Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 10: Paleo-Challenging!

Okay so I'm not even going to pretend to be perfect. And I'm short on time so this post will be quick. I stayed pretty much on track today, but it was a long day at work and I didn't bring enough food. And if you don't already have your Paleo meals and snacks ready to go, it's tough to stay on the diet.

Ate raw almonds and raisins after waking up. I ran about 4 miles of intervals and hills on the treadmills at work. Then I ate some blueberries and eggs/veggies for breakfast. Lifted weights, had a meeting with my boss, lifted some more, worked with some clients, etc, etc.

I had some ground turkey with veggies and some marinara sauce for lunc, but was still hungry an hour later. I had a break in my day so I went to a Greek restaurant and ordered a salad. I was too tired to care what all the ingredients were, and it came out with some feta cheese, and of course, some pita bread. I was so hungry and tired that I ate it all!

After finishing for the day, a workday that started at 5AM and finished at 5PM, I ate an orange on my drive home, and then stopped at Golden Spoon for some frozen yogurt. I ordered a small, but they still give you a pretty large portion. Honestly, I don't know how people can eat a medium, or large of this stuff because it's so filling! And I used to eat this stuff every day. It still tastes good, but kinda makes me feel bloated now!

After 10 days of being pretty strict with my diet, I am overall feeling good. Just tired and stressed from work. I don't weigh myself and I'm not doing this for weight loss, but this morning I was foam rolling and looking down at my legs and they appear a little slimmer. I was wearing running shorts too, and usually I don't like to foam roll in running shorts because I feel it makes my legs look fat! LOL

So tomorrow I have a 5 hour break in my workday, and I have stuff to cook for ready-made meals! Sweet potatoes, turkey breast, mahi mahi, spaghetti squash, etc. I already had 2 out of 3 "cheats" this week! Gotta get back on course!

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