Saturday, August 9, 2008

Big Disappointment!

I should be running 50 miles right now (or at least attempting), but instead, I'm sitting on the couch, watching TV, and have a bag of frozen peas on my ankle.

When I fell down during that crazy run in my previous post, I thought I just tweaked my ankle a little. The next day, it was really swollen. I thought I just needed to ice it for a few days and then on to the Tahoe 50K the next weekend. But when I realized it was an ankle sprain, I knew Tahoe was out of the question. I still remained optimistic about running the Mt. Disappointment 50/50, thinking worst-case scenario I would have to downgrade to the 50K. But I after a couple weeks of not being able to run, I realized that I would have to completely let go of Mt. Disappointment, and that was a BIG disappointment.

Ankle sprains are notorious for coming back to haunt you. It seems like some people who sprain their ankle have the same problem again and again. Other people let it heal and they never have another problem. So I went to a foot and ankle doctor a few days after I injured it to get her opinion. She deals with sports injuries just like what I have. I told her that my biggest fear was not healing properly and then having the same injury repeat itself. She told me I did the right thing by coming to see her. She gave me a fancy ankle brace to wear and told me stay off it and ice it as much as possible for 10-15 minutes at a time. This, of course, means NO RUNNING. Since an ankle sprain is due to overstretching the ligament, the ligament may heal too loosely, which is the cause of re-injury.

I have confidence in her since she said she has dealt with other long-distance runners and those who have stuck to her advice have healed and never had another problem. There are also some balancing exercises and ankle-strengthing exercises that I can do on my own.

As brutal a race as it sounds, I am pretty bummed that I couldn't run the Mt. Disappointment 50 miler today. My training was going so well and I was feeling so strong, recovering fast, and then I got hurt! This morning I left my house at 3:30 a.m. to go volunteer at the starting line. Even though I wasn't running, it was so fun to be there. I could just feel the pre-race energy in the air! I love that feeling! I was also able to see a lot of my friends from the SoCal Trail Headz who were running the 50K or 50M and wish them good luck.

Even though I haven't run in 4 weeks, I still have running on the brain! I keep looking longingly at the hills along the Orange County horizon. I'll be back to my adventures soon!


Greg said...

You'll be back soon! Remember, you are in it for the long haul : )

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle, great blog, I'm glad I stumbled into it! Keep your chin up, I know what it's like to be injured. I have to put off AC 100 due to a stress fracture. I ran Mt. Dis in agony this year and although I finished the 50k, I haven't been able to run since. I miss my mountains like you do, but they're not going anywhere, and we'll be back!
xo, M